6.824 2007 Lecture 8: Vector Timestamps Topic: Consistency with Timestamps / Version Vectors =Optimistic vs. Pessimistic Concurrency Control= Consistency sofar Consistency problems happen when caching and concurrent writers Different consistentency models sequential --- IVY (owner) release consistency --- TreadMarks All schemes based on pessimistic concurrency control: before you make a change, make sure you can (ask for permission) IVY: DSM schemes gets ownership TreadMarks: put locks+release in the right places Nice semantics, but sometimes awkward Requires lots of chatter between all machines pariticipating What if a client is disconnected? Can you sensibly operate out of your cache without seeing other people's updates? Sure, we do it all the time: using source-code version control. We optimistically assume that conflicts won't happen, and solve conflicts when they do happen, rather than kill parallelism to avoid infrequent occurances. In fact, optimistic concurrency control won't work unless all machines are connected---you'd have to lock entire system until all machines can coordinate. Scenario 1: disconnected operation with laptops source-code repository, cooperating programmers each programmer's laptop has a complete copy of the files want to be able to modify files while disconnected programmers synchronize files pair-wise: "file synchronizer" how to decide which files to copy, and in which direction? non-conflicting changes: take latest version conflicting changes: report an error, ask humans to resolve "optimistic concurrency" --- don't ask for permission; apologize later CVS (and many of the other alternatives) solves this problem Scenario 2: single user has many machines, each with a copy of the user's file system user works on one machine for a while (perhaps disconnected) user works on second machine for a while perhaps forgot to sync machine 1 with machine 2 before starting to work then on a third machine syncing first machines 2 and 3. back on to the first machine. want to ensure that the first machine has all the changes from 2 and 3 Example 1: Just focus on a modifications to a single file "f" H1: w(f)1 ->H2 ->H3 H2: w(f)2 H3: ->H2 What is the right thing to do? Is it enough to simply take file with latest modification time? Yes in this case, as long as you carry them along correctly. I.e. H3 remembers mtime assigned by H1, not mtime of sync. Example 2: H1: w(f)1 ->H2 w(f)2 H2: w(f)0 ->H1 H2's mtime will be bigger. Should the file synchronizer use "0" and discard "2"? No! They were conflicting changes. We need to detect this case. Modification times are not enough by themselves. In this case, we'd need to know that these two files before w(f)0 didn't have the same history, so they are in conflict. What is the principle here? We're not *enforcing* a sequential update history. No locks, no Ivy-style owners. But *if* updates were actually sequential, we want to detect it and carry along most recent copy. This is where the "optimism" comes in. And if updates were not sequential, we want to detect the problem (after the fact). So what is the problem with using wall-clock time? Certainly if T1 < T2, T1 does not supersede T2. *But* if T2 > T1, that doesn't imply that T2 supersedes T1. Ordered in time doesn't mean everyone agrees on the order. How can we decide whether we're looking at a sequential history? We could record each file's entire modification history. List of hostname/localtime pairs. And carry history along when synchronizing between hosts. For example 1: H2: H1/T1,H2/T2 H3: H1/T1 For example 2: H1: H1/T1,H1/T2 H2: H1/T1,H2/T3 Then its easy to decide if version X supersedes version Y: If Y's history is a prefix of X's history. This exactly captures our desire for an *ordered* sequence of updates. Note we're not comparing times, so this works w/ out-of-sync host clocks. Why is complete history not such a great solution? The histories grow without bound if we modify a file a lot. =Vector Timestamps= Can we compress the histories? Proposal: Vector Timestamps. Summarize a history w/ each host's highest time. So throw away all but the last history record for each host. Last TS from each host preserves information essential to detecting conflicting updates: Had I seen your latest change when I made my change? Only care about latest change. A vector timestamp is a vector of times, one entry per host. The times are (as in the histories) local wall-clock times. Though they could be any monotonic count: local version number. If a and b are vector time-stamps: a = b if they agree at every element. a <= b if a[i] <= b[i] for every i. a >= b a || b if a[i] < b[i], a[j] > b[j], for some i,j. i.e. a and b conflict If one history was a prefix of the other, then one vector timestamp will be less than the other. If one history is not a prefix of the other, then (at least by example) VTs will not be comparable. So now we can perform file synchronization. Laptops carry along a version vector with each file, rather than just the single timestamp of last change. When a pair of laptops syncs a file, they accept the file with the higher vector timestamp. And signal an error if the VTs conflict. Illustrate with the two examples. Ex1. H1: <1,0,0> H3: <1,0,0> H2: <1,1,0> H3: take update from H2 Ex2. H1: <1,0,0> H2: <1,0,0> H1: <2,0,0> H2: <1,1,0> conflict w. H1 What if there *are* conflicting updates? VTs can detect them, but then what? Depends on the application. Easy: mailbox file with distinct messages, just merge. Medium: changes to different lines of a C source file. Hard: changes to the same line of C source. Reconciliation must be done manually for the hard cases. CVS keeps extra information, equiv to complete history. So it can generate diffs from common ancestor. Much better than diffing the two final versions against each other. Which is newer? Or did they both change? What about file deletion? Deletes have to have VTs so you can detect delete/write conflicts. Could treat as a special kind of write. But then you have to remember deletion timestamp indefinitely. In case some host out there hasn't heard about it. Can we garbage collect deletes? We've used VTs to *detect* violations of sequential consistency. We can also use VTs to help *ensure* consistency. TreadMarks uses a similar technique... =Tra= Optimistic Replication Using Vector Time Pairs Russ Cox and William Josephson What's the overall goal? Flexible file sync Tra is cool because is guarantees a comparison of the histories without maintaining entire histories. -> no need for a linear log of all modifications -> compatible with all existing filesystems, since it doesn't require them to keep these complex logs Tra's benefits -> Efficient - only uses traffic proportional to size of changes, not the size of the filesystem (transfer information only on changed files) -> Allows arbitrary topology---syncs can be unidirectional, and don't have to be with a central server -> Remembers how conflicts are resolved between two machines and doesn't allow a cycle of updates to forget about conflicts -> Deletion of files is handled correctly -> Supports partial synchronization (but most synchronizers allow for this) -> Keeps two vector clocks per file (modification and synchronization) and no other history. what are the implied problems w/ existing file synchronizers? they need to garbage collect file deletion notices can be held up by dead replicas must look at every file in order to sync VT per file requires a lot of storage cannot record conflict resolutions unison limited to pair-wise synchronization what are the claimed novel properties? simplicity, flexibility sync in any order easier to compress (section 3.2) in particular, singleton mod times! no explicit adding or removing of hosts can quickly find data that needs to be transferred (section 3.1) how did previous systems work? one vector timestamp per file, reflects modifications synchronize a disk: compare every file's VT need to transfer every VT, and store them need to keep VT for deleted file, treat deletion as modification otherwise it will re-appear on next sync GC deleted file's VT after everyone has seen it so maintain, for every other node, highest VT it is known to know really min VT for which it knows every VT before that gossip. one slow node can prevent GC. what's the key technique? two vector times: mod time and sync time what you have vs what you know what does this mean? Intuition? sync time implies times at which modifications *didn't* occur? at any time, sync time is a superset of the modification time, since it knows of which modifications happened, and which syncs happened that didn't teach it of new modifications. in what sense does a single VT combine mod and sync times? (3.5.1) most files have same sync times any advantages for a single file? maybe not advantages for syncing a whole directory tree? dir sync time = elementwise min of child sync times---this is a conservative estimate that says we at least know about everything below this directory. dir mod time = elementwise max of child mod times---a top-level directory is at most as new as its newest descendant. can skip whole dir if src dir's mod time <= dst dir's sync time this makes sense because sync time is at least as new as mod time, so if you've already synced the oldest file past the newest modification time, no need to compare any more. higher sync time proves you had (maybe indirectly) synced w/ relevant node, he was required to tell you if he changed anything. does dir sync/mod sound like an important optimization? why couldn't we do this w/ single VT? skip if src dir's mod time <= min(dst tree's mod times)? what if I sync just a sub-tree will that mess up optimized syncs of parent? won't mess up sync time, since min only changes parent sync time if this subdir was laggard hmm, may increase mod time. but that's conservative, will cause syncer to consider this directory why can they get away with singleton file mod times? i.e. suppose we have A:1, B sees it, then B:2 how does A know B:2 supersedes A:1? B's sync time tells it! so haven't we just moved the complexity to the sync time? no: need all elements of sync VT, but all files usually have same sync time So now we need sync vector per file and mod time per file. But really we sync whole directories, so just keep a sync time per top-level directory that had its whole subtree synced. Deletion: Machine A has f, and B doesn't (it doesn't know if it deleted f or if f is new) if f_{creation time} < directory_{sync}, delete it, since f was deleted on B after syncing. if f_{creation time} > directory_{sync}, create it, since f was generated after the last sync if f_{modification time} > directory_{sync}, then there was a conflict (?) how do they garbage collect deletion notices? dir sync time proves no file existed as of that time!!! so if during sync other guy sends earlier create time, he should delete. and if he has later create time, you must create. if his file mod time > your dir sync time, conflict you can tell because create < dirsync and you don't have the file... it's a disk file system: how do they detect user's changes?